Defending The Jury: An Interview With Laura Appleman
How can we improve the American criminal justice system by strengthening the community's role in the process?
How can we improve the American criminal justice system by strengthening the community's role in the process?
* Did you want a Saul Goodman cake for your next party? Because it's a thing. Do they make Bunsen burner candles? [Legal Cheek]
* I'm not shy about my love-hate relationship with college athletics. It's time for more of the hate side: the NCAA cracked down on Baylor walk-on Silas Nacita for accepting benefits deemed improper... WHILE HE WAS HOMELESS! So obviously Baylor kicked him off the team. In case you don't perceive an SEC bias, this Big XII kid lost his scholarship, while the last time a school gave a homeless kid improper benefits, we gave Sandra Bullock an Oscar. [Lawyers, Guns & Money]
* A first-year Washington University of St. Louis law student is taking a leave of absence to join the Illinois legislature. Rep. Avery Bourne (R-Pawnee). Of course an ambitious female public servant is from "Pawnee." [CBS St. Louis]
* Florida deputy shackles a mentally ill woman and then drags her by the leg shackles through the courthouse. Which, when you think about it, is probably pretty humane by Florida standards. [Raw Story]
* An interesting profile of CrowdDefend, a new player in the legal-crowdfunding space that's aimed more towards public interest cases. [LFC 360]
* The phenomenon of "professional brownouts" hits lawyers hard. [Law and More]
* Reflections from Professor Laura Appleman on a law clerk's duty of confidentiality, triggered by Supreme Ambitions (affiliate link). [The Faculty Lounge]
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